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Fostering Resilience: The Story of Breyman's Miracle

At the Garrett Family Foundation, we are privileged to witness incredible stories of resilience and hope every day. Recently, we had the honor of supporting young Breyman Browning and his family through a challenging journey that truly embodies the spirit of our mission.


Breyman's story began with a diagnosis of Biliary Atresia at just 6 weeks old in March of 2023. This rare liver disease presented a daunting challenge for Breyman and his family. Despite the initial setback, Breyman underwent the Kasai Procedure to restore his bile ducts, allowing him to hold on to his native liver until August of the same year. However, complications arose when excess fluids accumulated in his abdomen, necessitating his placement on the transplant list by October.


The months that followed were a rollercoaster of emotions for Breyman's family. Just after celebrating his first birthday, Breyman was admitted to Riley Hospital for Children due to lethargy and fever. It was there that a gastrointestinal bleed led to a critical moment: Breyman went into cardiac arrest for a harrowing 14 minutes while intubated.


In the face of this crisis, Breyman's mother, Lexi Browning, made a courageous decision. She offered to donate a part of her liver to her son. The extensive testing and preparations required for a living donor were swiftly navigated by the team at University Hospital, culminating in a scheduled surgery for February 26, 2024.


Miraculously, just days before the scheduled procedure, a liver became available for Breyman. On February 22, 2024, the Browning family received the life-changing call they had been hoping for. Breyman underwent a successful liver transplant later that day, marking the beginning of his remarkable road to recovery.


During his three-week hospital stay following the transplant, Breyman showed incredible strength and resilience. His development mirrored that of any other thriving baby, defying the odds stacked against him. Lexi Browning graciously shared their family photos and heartfelt gratitude, underscoring the impact of community support during their journey.


The Garrett Family Foundation was privileged to play a part in Breyman's story. Through our mission to relieve burdens and support those facing obstacles, we strive to ignite hope and carve pathways to success for individuals and families like the Brownings. It is stories like Breyman's that remind us of the power of resilience, the strength of community, and the miracles that can unfold when compassion meets action.


As we continue our work, we carry Breyman's story with us—a testament to the unwavering spirit of families facing medical challenges and the profound impact of support in times of need.



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